Locking your keys in your car is no fun. But why does it seem like it happens at the most inopportune times? Depending on where you lose them, it can make a frustrating situation even more difficult. 

As an automotive locksmith that has helped thousands of people regain access to their vehicles, we know this tends to happen in certain places more than others. Here are four places where you need to be especially thoughtful about your keys:

1. Home

Believe it or not, this is one of the most common places people lock keys in their cars. This is because we spend most of our lives leaving home and coming back. Whether your mind is preoccupied with what went on during your day or your children are playing around with the car while it’s in the garage, it’s easier than you think for your doors to inadvertently lock while the keys are inside. Some ways to avoid this include making sure your keys are in the same spot of your home, or investing in a smart key fob that won’t let the vehicle doors lock while it’s inside.

2. Work

Next, the place most of us spend our second-greatest amount of time: work. Typically, people go to work five days a week and often take lunch breaks, so there are a lot of opportunities for this to happen. But one of the biggest reasons this happens is because we have work on our minds or are carrying things we need for work (e.g., briefcases, lunch). Adding a reminder to your phone or computer is one way to potentially mitigate the risk of locking keys in your car at work.

3. While Shopping

Shopping centers are another standard location for car lockouts. From grocery stores and malls to big-box retailers, these places usually involve carrying bags back to your automobile. This leaves them prone to slipping—or you forgetting about them entirely. Or, if you have a trunk, you might put all your bags and the keys inside the trunk and close it. Either way, having an auto locksmith you trust is invaluable to meet you at the store and unlock your car.

4. On the Road

Finally, it’s not uncommon to lock keys in your car while on a road trip or if you’re having car troubles on the side of the road. These situations aren’t part of our routines, so our minds can get distracted and we make a mistake with our keys. A-1 Locksmith has provided emergency and mobile locksmith services time and time again for situations like this.

Wherever you’ve locked your keys in your car in Dallas-Fort Worth, A-1 Locksmith is here to provide the best auto lockout services you’ll find. Contact us today if this ever happens to you.

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