It’s up to parents to prepare their children for the world. We teach them things like proper manners, how to react to challenging circumstances and our beliefs. Another big responsibility parents have is teaching their children what is safe and unsafe. 

Here are six security-related lessons you should consider teaching your kids, if you haven’t already.

  1. Know How To Call 911

Any important phone number is beneficial for kids to know, but it starts with the easiest and most obvious one: 911. Even toddlers can be trained how to dial 911 if anything happens to mom or dad. Teach your children when it’s appropriate (and when it isn’t) to contact emergency services to help. It’s also wise to have a professional locksmith’s number on hand in case of a lockout, as well as other emergency service numbers.

  1. Memorize Important Information

Another safety tip for parents is that it’s wise to have your children memorize your address and any other important info. They should ideally be able to recall this info under tense circumstances, such as if a person’s life is in danger. Other important information that is helpful to know includes things like blood type, non-emergency phone numbers and medication protocols. 

  1. Don’t Talk to Strangers

This is an obvious security tip, but especially important to reinforce. When you’re at home, make sure your kids know not to just open the door to a stranger. They should confirm their identity first and shouldn’t open the door if they are home alone. (These days, you might want to make sure an adult answers the door at all times.) Kids should also avoid talking to strangers in public spaces, obviously, and be aware of kidnapping warning signs.

  1. Practicing Security Tips Makes Perfect

Do you have an emergency plan in case of a burglary, fire or natural disaster? If not, it’s time to not only create one, but practice it with your family. Make sure your kids know where to go, what to do and who to contact.

  1. Be Careful About What You Share Online

Many adults know not to freely share sensitive information like social security numbers and credit card info online, but do your kids? It’s also important to remind them that people can see their posts, so they know if you reveal information like your family being on vacation or when you’re at home alone. Be careful!

  1. Know How to Use Security Equipment

Finally, do your children know how to use your security system or video doorbell? This can provide an extra layer of protection, as your kids can avoid direct confrontation with any visitors or potential intruders. Even better, if they know how to trigger an alert in case of a security incident, it will be as beneficial as learning how to call 911.

Not sure where to start with teaching your children about home security? Want more security tips for parents? Visit one of our Dallas-Fort Worth locations today and one of our friendly and helpful technicians will assist you.

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