If you’ve been frustrated with the amount of time you spend looking for your wallet, phone or car keys, you’re not alone. The average American spends 2.5 days per year looking for lost items, according to a recent survey. That translates to 10 minutes per day. Wouldn’t you like to get those minutes back?

When it comes to car keys or fobs, we can help. From simple tips like having a key ring to more advanced tricks like bluetooth trackers, there are several ways you can prevent losing your car keys. Let’s look at seven of them.

1. Put Them In the Same Spot

Do you have a designated spot for your car keys/fobs, or does it vary depending on the day? Some people use a wall-mounted key holder or a small drawer. Others leave them on the same spot of the counter. As long as you’re consistent, you’re less likely to forget where you left them.

2. Have a Spare Set of Keys

If you don’t already have a spare set of keys, get some made. A spare set of keys is a small investment that can save you an even bigger investment (and lots of frustration) down the road. Also be sure to keep these spare keys in the same spot at all times. You don’t want to lose your spare keys in addition to your regular keys!

3. Get a Bluetooth Tracker

There are plenty of technology options for you to utilize these days, such as key finder apps or bluetooth trackers. One of the most popular, for example, is Tile. With more than 15 million trackers sold, this company specializes in trackers that are affordable, reliable and can be used for more than just keys.

4. Take Notes / Create Reminders

Whether you use a notes app on your phone or physical sticky notes, create a memo or reminder of your car key or fob location if it’s in an unusual spot. Or, create one anyway for your regular spot until you get into the habit of knowing where it is.

5. Get a Key Ring

This one might seem obvious, but many people actually don’t have key rings. It’s much easier to lose a single key than one that is attached to a ring with other keys and mementos. 

6. Remove Clutter

You can put your car keys in the same spot, have a spare set, take notes and even get a key ring, but if your space is cluttered, you might not be able to find anything. So try and stay clean and organized, as losing your car keys or fobs will be less of an issue. 

7. Double Check Before You Leave

Finally, get into the habit of checking your pockets or purse before leaving the room, house, apartment (or car!). Make sure you have them on hand so you don’t accidentally lock yourself out of your home or vehicle. If that happens, you’ll need emergency lockout services.

Hopefully these tips will help you avoid losing car keys or fobs. If you need a spare set of keys, a new set of keys or further advice, give the A-1 Locksmith team a call today at (972) 284-7500.

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