If a stranger shows up at your house, you might want to think twice before opening the door. While friends, family and acquaintances arriving without notice to visit was commonplace in the past, this behavior is much more infrequent in modern times. With scammers, solicitors or worse going door to door more frequently than wanted parties these days, it’s important to stay vigilant. 

Here are four quick questions you can ask to give you more peace of mind before opening the door of your home to a stranger.

1. ‘Who’s there?’

First, establish the identity (or self-proclaimed identity) of the person on the other side of the door. Be wary of any confusion or inconsistent answers. If you have a peephole or window, try to also confirm whether the person is wearing a uniform or driving a company vehicle and whether that’s consistent with their stated identity. Or, see if there’s anything else that can help you identify them. If you have an intercom doorbell or a video doorbell camera, it makes this step easier.

2. ‘What do you want?’

Try to gauge the trustworthiness of the person by asking about their intentions. They shouldn’t have to think about it. Ask them several questions about what they do and what they want. If you’re a little more confident and have interest in their stated objective, you can crack open the door to confirm (and see what they look like if you don’t have a peephole, convenient window or doorbell camera). Just be sure to keep your guard up and conduct cautious behavior like planting your foot on the bottom of the door to maintain a defensive position.

3. ‘Is this an emergency?’

Many criminals will use emergencies as excuses for people to open their doors, whether it’s running out of gas or a medical issue. If that’s the case, they should have no problem with you calling the police to help them out. If they aren’t who they claim to be, however, they will almost always leave at the suggestion of police aid.

4. ‘Can you come back another time?’

Usually, solicitors, service professionals and other legitimate visitors will agree to set up an appointment and come back later. If you’re confident about the trustworthiness of the person, feel free to open the door, ask more questions or let them in (if this is absolutely necessary). But if you have any doubts, maintain your peace of mind by keeping the door closed and wishing them on their way.

If you’d like additional home security advice or would like to purchase an upgrade to your home’s security including doorbell cameras and full-home security systems, contact A-1 Locksmith or stop by any of our DFW-area locations today.

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