A-1 Locksmith
A-1 Locksmith
A-1 Locksmith


5 Ways Locksmiths Can Help with Multi-Unit Properties

It can be easy to forget that certain home services are beneficial for both condominiums and apartments. Many of us think that these are only for people who own single-family residences. But this couldn’t be further from the truth for certain industries. Take locksmithing, for example. Multi-unit buildings often have [...]

How Often Should You Rekey Your Business

Business owners don’t have to create a desire to protect their assets. It’s at the core of who they are as the primary investor in a company. As such, nearly every business has some form of security, whether as robust as a monitored and surveilled security system or as basic [...]

Why Buying Firearm Safety Equipment Online Makes Sense

We shop for everything online these days. From food and daily essentials to home decor and bobblehead collections, there’s an online store for it.  Firearm safety equipment is no exception.  Yet, many don't know that this is an option—and often a very convenient one. Let's take a closer look at [...]

Commercial Deposit Safes vs. Cash Safes

Which type of safe is best for your business and what's the difference between a deposit and cash safe? Let's cover both of these topics.

4 Mistakes to Avoid When Moving a Safe Yourself

Some people learn things the hard way. Then there are those who prefer to learn from others’ mistakes. This applies to everything from selling a car to interviewing for a job.  Security is no exception. For example, there’s a right way and a wrong way to move a bulky item [...]

Safe Not Working? 4 Things To Check Before Calling a Pro

In today’s world of instant gratification, it’s tempting to call a professional every time something in your house needs to be fixed. While we love helping customers with safe purchases and repairs, you don't have to call a professional locksmith or safe company every time you experience an issue with [...]

December 7, 2022|Categories: A-1 LOCKSMITH SECURITY TIPS BLOG|Tags: , , , , |

5 Must-Have Accessories for Every Safe Owner

In today’s world where many products have a confusing amount of companion products, there are certain accessories that actually help people use a product more effectively. Then there are accessories that aren’t necessary to the original product fulfilling its purpose. How do you know which is which?  When it comes [...]

How To Change A Safe Keypad Battery

Keypads are great entry options for home safes, as they’re more convenient and technologically advanced than traditional entry methods. The main question is, what happens when the battery dies? Do you have to call a professional? Does a magic safe fairy come and deliver a new one under your pillow [...]

How Professionals Deliver Home Safes Upstairs

Why are professionals so good at what they do? Well, because they’re professionals - in other words, they’re good enough at a field to charge for it. This creates a dynamic in that a business simply being open is one good indicator that they are good at what they do. [...]