The 2 Most Important Reasons To Rekey Your Vehicle
Today’s post is the perfect example of “TL;DR.” This term, predominantly used online, is a reference to “too long, didn’t read it.” While we would like you to dive deeper into the topic of today’s post, the main point of it can be communicated succinctly. And that point is this: [...]
Rekeying Locks for Your Car: How It Works
Some things in life have a fairly simple process. To make a sandwich, for example you take two pieces of bread and put meat, cheese and/or another filling in between them. (Let’s not even get into the hot dog debate.) It’s that easy. Other things are a bit more complicated. [...]
Frisco Lock Rekey: How We Duplicate Keys
We're often asked how we do what we do. How is a home lock repaired? How do you open a car door if the keys are inside? What is the meaning of life? OK, maybe not that last one, but we do receive our fair share of locksmithing-related questions. One [...]
Automotive Rekeying Basics: The Different Types of Car Keys
Imagine a world with only one ice cream flavor. It doesn’t matter if it’s vanilla, chocolate or strawberry — it would get boring after a while. Fortunately, that’s why places like Baskin Robbins (and their 31 flavors) exist. Automobiles are the same way. While they all serve the same general [...]
Is Automotive Rekeying Better from a Dealership or Locksmith?
The automotive industry specializes in, well, specialists. When you have a brake problem, for example, there’s an entire chain of stores that specialize in just brakes. When you need new tires, there are retailers who only sell tires and tire accessories. And when you have a problem with your transmission, [...]