Are Glass Front Doors a Security Risk?
There’s something appealing about glass. It’s modern. It’s timeless. It’s open and inviting. And it’s quickly becoming one of the more popular materials for the front door of a house. Just because it’s popular, though, does that make it smart? This trend is one that can open more homeowners up [...]
The ROI of Home Security Investments
One of the most common questions when it comes to spending money is, “what’s in it for me?” Income is difficult to earn, so it only makes sense that most of us want to make sure we’re getting our dollar’s worth for the services and products we buy. Home security [...]
How To Improve the Security of Your Apartment or Condo
Life is a little different for multi-residential tenants than it is for single-family home dwellers. For example, you hear your neighbors more often, there are usually more stairs involved and groceries are a bigger pain to bring home. Landscaping is most often a non-factor and you can often live in [...]
Home Security During Showings: What To Consider
Safety is important to all of us, especially at home. But what about home security while a house is on the market and you have the foot traffic of strangers? There are few other times when random people have access to your home and belongings (even if it’s temporarily). If [...]
10 Dallas Crime Statistics That May Surprise You
In general, the higher the population, the more incidents of crime occur. In light of North Texas' population boom the past few years, this is more relevant than ever for Dallas-Fort Worth residents. What does crime look like in DFW these days? Is it time to upgrade your home security [...]
5 Spooky Home Security Situations To Avoid
This time of year, many people are worried about children covered in sheets making ghost sounds or jump scares in movies. However, many homeowners are spooked by the thought of legitimately scary home security situations like burglaries, vandalism and worse. Fortunately, knowledge is one of the best forms of prevention. [...]
Are Phones Good or Bad for Security?
Technology. It can make our lives easier while at the same time drive us insane when it doesn’t work properly. And no piece of technology is more prevalent in our lives than the smartphone. In fact, 83 percent of the population uses smartphones! This can be a good thing and [...]
Home Security Checklist: How To Know Your House Is Secure
When it comes to home security, there are certain areas anyone can miss. Then there are areas we shouldn’t miss, but we still do. Either way, these are blind spots that can’t be addressed unless you look for them. To give you ultimate peace of mind and ensure your house [...]
How To Improve Home Security in 2022
If there's one thing 2021 taught us, it's that you can't predict anything. That being said, those who are prepared are usually the ones who adjust to the unpredictable the best. This is especially true when it comes to your home and protecting your precious belongings. Let's use this calendar [...]
4 Home Security Rules Your Family Should Live By
Family rules. We all have them in one form or another. One of them could be saying “please” and “thank you.” Another could be always telling the truth. Or, always keeping your promises. Some other family rules you should prioritize are related to safety. From setting the alarm when you [...]