What to Do When Your Key Is Stuck in the Lock of Your Home
You've just gotten home after a long day of work. You put your key in your home's lock, turn it, open the door, pull the key and... it doesn't come out. Your key is stuck in the lock. What do you do? You can attempt to fix it yourself, but [...]
Why Improving Home Security Should Be Your New Year’s Resolution
Ah… New Year’s Resolutions. Some people couldn’t care less about them. Others use them as an opportunity to better themselves. Regardless of which one describes you, the fact remains that a new year is upon us and it’s a new chance to think about your home’s security. While many traditionally [...]
What Is the Most Vulnerable Entry Point In Your Home?
Let’s play a quick game of Jeopardy!, shall we? Here’s the answer: The most vulnerable entry point in your home. Is it the chimney? No, many houses don’t even have chimneys. Is it the garage door? Good guess, but still not right. The front door? Still no. The answer to [...]
Locksmith Cost: Proactive vs. Reactive Services
There’s an old proverb that says “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” This is true whether you’re talking about medical situations, financial investments or home maintenance. For the purposes of this blog post, we’ll be talking about the latter — specifically, the security aspects of home [...]
Dallas-Fort Worth Burglary Rates: How DFW Compares to the National Average
As many North Texans already know, DFW has a lot going for it. We’re one of the Top 25 fastest-growing cities in America, our housing market is stable and there are plenty of restaurants, activities and attractions for people of all age groups to enjoy. But what about safety? Cities [...]
Could Your Garage Door be a Vulnerability in Your Home Security?
So, you think your home is pretty safe, right? You have locks on your exterior doors, your windows are shut tight and locked. Maybe you even have an alarm system that ensures you feel safe and cozy when you leave the house in the morning or turn off the lights [...]
Do Neighborhood Social Apps Such as NextDoor Prevent Crime?
If you’re like the rest of us, you probably have that one nosy neighbor that knows what everyone else on the block is up to. Over a cup of morning coffee, they’ll happily share that Janice down the street got a little bit tipsy two nights ago. Marvin at the [...]
Is Your Home Security System at Risk for Being Hacked
Did you know that in Texas, as in many states, Locksmith are required to maintain certifications, licensing and undergo extensive training before they engage in, legal, locksmith services? Turns out it takes more than a lock pick and a set of keys to ensure the safety and security of someone’s [...]
3 Reasons why a Gun Cannot Replace a Home Security System
Let’s get serious for a moment. While many of our safety and security write-ups here at A-1 Locksmith can be fun, silly and downright ridiculous, we’re cognizant that the safety of you and your family is a paramount concern. It is to us, as well. When it comes to home [...]
7 Habits that Might Make your Home a Target for Crime
Admit it, you’re a creature of habit. Every morning you hit the snooze button exactly twice before rolling blindly out of bed, stumbling to the coffee maker and pushing start. You take the same train, road or bus into the office. At the end of the day you leave the [...]