A-1 Locksmith
A-1 Locksmith
A-1 Locksmith

Lock Replacement

5 Commercial Lock Repair Terms You Didn’t Know

Pilgarlic. Philtrum. Pogonotrophy. Lemniscate. Interrobang. What do all of these words have in common? They’re little-known, strange and you likely don’t know their meaning. But that’s OK. (After all, when are you going to need to know that “pilgarlic” is a term for a bald head?) If you own a [...]

Repair vs. Replace: Residential Lock Edition

“To repair or replace… that is the question.” While Shakespeare didn’t pen this epic statement, he likely would have if he was a modern-day homeowner. From coffee makers and dishwashers to chairs and children, if something in our house fails us, we usually replace it. (OK, maybe not that last [...]

May 6, 2019|Categories: Lock Repair, Lock Replacement|Tags: , |

Potential Perils of DIY Re-Keying

There are a variety of reasons that an individual may choose to re-key the locks to their home. Perhaps they lost their keys to their house or business, and are afraid of a potential intruder in the future; or, they may have moved into a new home or acquired a [...]

Should You Re-Key Or Replace Your Locks?

At some point, many home or business owners face the decision to either re-key locks on their structure, or replace them altogether. In some cases a homeowner may have lost their keys to get in, or a business owner may have recently taken over the company and may need to [...]