A-1 Locksmith
A-1 Locksmith
A-1 Locksmith

Locksmith Dallas

Locksmith Dallas Scams

Locksmith Dallas scams are creating headlines. We need to learn what red flags to look for and what to do if we discover a locksmith Dallas scam.

November 24, 2010|Categories: Locksmith Dallas|

Tips to Avoid Being Scammed Dallas Locksmith Locked Up

The Alabama Attorney General recently filed criminal charges against a locksmith Dallas operation for setting up bogus storefronts run by a unlicensed locksmith.Dallas consumers  believed they were dealing with reputable companies. The action was a complete success and the company was ordered to pay thousands of dollars in restitution, to immediately [...]

August 30, 2010|Categories: Locksmith Dallas|

Tips to Avoid Being Scammed by a Dallas Locksmith pt.1

Tips to Avoid Being Scammed by a Dallas Locksmith pt.1 http://www.aloa.org/pressroom/consumerguide.html The most common complaint heard by Dallas locksmiths is that the price of a car opening is misleading. In the DFW metroplex, the average price quoted to a motorist in need is about $45. Although this price seems fair, [...]

August 30, 2010|Categories: Locksmith Dallas|