A-1 Locksmith
A-1 Locksmith
A-1 Locksmith

Safe Shopping

Should I Have Bought a Bigger Safe?

While the iconic phrase from the movie Jaws is known by many (“You’re gonna need a bigger boat”), the characters in the movie might have been better off if they sought shelter in a safe instead. A big safe. Alas, they didn’t and life goes on. Similarly, though, you might [...]

April 15, 2020|Categories: Safe Shopping|Tags: , |

6 Things to Look for When Shopping for a Safe

It’s fairly easy to shop for some items. Take a recipe, for example. You just need to find all of the items on the recipe list and you’re good to go. (Unless you’re confused by the number of tomato varieties out there.) When it comes to something that will protect [...]

February 26, 2020|Categories: Safe Shopping|Tags: , , |

5 Reasons to Buy a New vs. Used Safe

We’ve discussed the benefits of buying a previously used safe on our blog before. Used safes are affordable, reliable and avoid depreciation. But are they the right choice for you? Just as some people prefer to buy or lease a new vehicle rather than deal with the maintenance, potential lack [...]

February 4, 2020|Categories: Safe Shopping|Tags: , , |