Certifications vary in importance from industry to industry. In Information Technology, for example, you can obtain several certifications for software programs by simply answering a few multiple-choice questions. They’re not always a good reflection of skill.

Certifications are extremely important in the locksmith industry, however. Let’s discuss why it’s important to make sure your Arlington locksmith is certified before you hire them.

What Is a Certified Locksmith?

A certified locksmith is a locksmith who has a certification from a nationally recognized organization, such as the Associated Locksmiths of America (ALOA). There are different organizations that award certifications to businesses and there are different types of certifications as well. Overall, these certifications let residents of Arlington, Texas, and other areas know that a business is legitimate, trusted and credible. 

How Do You Obtain a Locksmith Certification?

Obtaining a locksmith certification is much more than just answering a few questions. Certifications require thorough knowledge of a wide variety of locksmith categories and involves a significant amount of training and education. Difficulty also varies depending on the level or type of certification a locksmith pursues. As an example, here are some of the different levels of certification available from ALOA, along with the organization’s criteria for obtaining them:

  • “ALOA Fundamental Locksmith (AFL): The ALOA Fundamental Locksmith (AFL) designation has completed ALOA’s Six Day Basic Locksmithing Course and then has passed the after class examination given on the last day. An AFL has enough general Locksmithing knowledge to function as an apprentice locksmith. An AFL is recognized for training or experience but is not tested or certified. This is not a path for advanced certification levels.
  • Certified Registered Locksmith (CRL): The first level of locksmith certification is Certified Registered Locksmith (CRL). A Certified Registered Locksmith has passed the ten mandatory categories, as well as at least two specialized electives of his choice. A CRL has a good working knowledge of general locksmithing.
  • Certified Professional Locksmith (CPL): The second level of locksmith certification is Certified Professional Locksmith (CPL). A Certified Professional Locksmith has earned the CRL designation and has successfully in an additional twelve elective categories. A CPL has an advanced knowledge of general locksmithing and of many specialized areas.
  • Certified Master Locksmith (CML): The highest level of locksmith certification is Certified Master Locksmith (CML). A Certified MasterLocksmith has reached the highest level of ALOA’s Proficiency Registration Program and has successfully demonstrated proficiency in 90 percent of the available categories of the Proficiency Registration Program. A CML has advanced knowledge of most areas of locksmithing and electronic security.
  • Certified Professional Safe Technician (CPS): The first level of the SafeTech certification is Certified Professional Safe Technician (CPS) – A CPS has successfully demonstrated proficiency in 17 safe and vault related categories.
  • Certified Master Safe Technician (CMST): The highest level of the SafeTech certification Certified Master Safe Technician (CMST) – A CMST has successfully demonstrated advanced proficiency in safe and vault related categories.”

Finding the Best Locksmith in Arlington, TX

A-1 Locksmith is proud to be licensed and certified in the state of Texas. We are licensed and certified by the ALOA, we have an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau (BBB), we’re partners with the Safe & Vault Technicians Association (SAVTA), we’re members of the Texas Locksmiths Association and have several other strategic partnerships as well. We make training, education, knowledge and professionalism a priority for our team members and would confidently put ourselves among the best locksmiths in Arlington, Texas.

If you have any security or locksmith-related questions, be sure to give the A-1 Locksmith team a call at (972) 284-7500.

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