When most people think about the Dallas locksmith industry, they assume that, whatever the specialty may be, it must be the very definition of esoteric. That is, only a select informed few are aware of the inner-workings and day-to-day Dallas locksmith duties of whatever industry or profession is in question. The truth is that, although there must be some degree of Dallas locksmith secrecy and privacy in every aspect of industry, there does not need to be any deeper mystery behind it. The people that allow industry to function are just that: regular people, just like you, with worries and dreams and everything that defines a person. Maybe it is an inborn human concern to approach something that one does not understand with a sense of awe and wonder, but it takes very little research to pull back the curtain and see what truly goes on. The Dallas locksmith security and locksmithing industries are as such, although certain aspects of the profession must be kept secret by their very nature.

Take, for example, the iconic padlock. It is, at first glance, a simple and unremarkable mechanism in its own right. However, knowing its storied history and having a rudimentary understanding of how it works allows you to view it in a more reverential light. As well the cousin of the padlock, the combination lock, is at once as iconic and noteworthy.

A combination lock is, simply, a lock that uses a series of numbers, letters, or both to open it and allow access. It is worth noting that ‘combination’ is, in mathematical terms, a misnomer. The correct term for the series of values used to open the lock is ‘sequence.’ Combination locks date back to the Roman period, and have varying degrees of complexity. Multiple-dial locks, like those seen on bike locks, are secured by a toothed pin inside of a series of rotating, numbered disks. Once the proper combination is input, the pin’s teeth are allowed to leave the lock and access is granted.

Single-dial locks include, as Dallas locksmith suggests, a single numbered dial that interacts with a series of cams. Cams are parallel disks inside the lock that have indentations that must be aligned for the lock to unlatch. This is done by entering the correct combination on the dial by turning it in a clockwise-counterclockwise manner.

The experts at A-1 Locksmith are available 24/7 to serve the locksmithing needs of the Dallas/Fort Worth area. Call them today at (972)-284-7500.

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