The immediate answer to this question is no. After all, home alarm systems have been around much longer than the internet. There was a time when alarms for your home relied on phone lines or a cellular network. 

Prior to that, there were offline or stand-alone systems that would sound for the immediate location with the intent of scaring off burglars or potential intruders. However, these days it seems many common tools won’t work without the internet and there are more options available thanks to the ever-expanding technology in the home security industry. A careful shopper would be wise to ask: does a home alarm system require internet?

What Can You Expect with a Stand-Alone Alarm System?

Burglars and potential intruders are terrified by the sound of an alarm. Generally speaking, that’s all it takes to wreck their attention and seek an immediate way out of or away from a home or business. A sounding alarm quickly suggests that law enforcement has already been notified and help is on the way. It also implies that anyone within the home or business has also been alerted and is likely prepared to engage or defend. 

A stand-alone system is an effective scare tactic. Unless an intruder is already aware of the design and function of your home security alarm, it will generate a fast and compelling doubt in one’s mind. Most of the time that is all that’s needed. 

If you choose a stand-alone system, it might not hurt to provide signage that alludes to the fact that your security system is actually connected to the internet. Signs or stickers that indicate a police or security monitoring service is an effective way to imply that your stand-alone system is not actually alone. 

What is the Benefit of a Stand-alone Alarm System?

The benefit is cost. Stand-alone systems are usually preferred if there is no actual internet or if the want is to avoid paying for monitoring services or you otherwise have old technology you do not want to replace. The question then becomes why do homeowners sometimes choose against monitoring? 

Depending on your local code, false alarms can become costly. In other words, if your alarm trips by accident and the police are dispatched, you could face a fine for each accidental incident. Generally speaking, most cities and outlying areas forgive a false alarm or two. However, if the police routinely arrive and find no suspicious activity or if another cause is attributed to the source of the alarm, it could become an expensive issue. 

Also, the aforementioned ideology applies to these stand-alone systems. Whether it’s connected to the internet or not, a strong sounding alarm is a deterring factor.

Is There a More Traditional Alarm System?

While “smarter” security systems have clear advantages, traditional home security hardware is still available. These alarms rely on landline or phone connections. If you still have an actual landline this could also be a good alternative to internet-accessible alarms. 

In this instance, a monitoring service is typically employed. This comes at a cost, usually a monthly fee by way of a yearly contract. However, if there is a phone outage in your area, the monitoring service is rendered useless. This is where a cellular alternative would prove useful. Of course, if a line service is disrupted, those monitoring your system will alert on the matter and likely try to contact you directly or signal for a police response. 

Are You Ready for an Internet-abled Home Security System?

These days, the sky is almost the limit when it comes to home security systems. All of the previously mentioned options are available with a cloud-based system. However, with internet-abled hardware you get much more. 

There are a variety of perks to being connected. To start with, you will have remote access to your alarm system. This is not something that you would have access to otherwise. 

The win here is that your smart phone, tablet or other internet-abled device would alert you to any movement in and around your home while you are away or asleep. You can even adjust the sensitivity of the cameras and their motion detection so that you don’t receive any “false hits”. Also, if you just want to check the status of your house from a remote location, all you have to do is open the application on your phone or tablet and your home is there providing peace of mind in an instant. 

Another interesting perk about internet-abled security is that it doesn’t necessarily have to come with a contract or monitoring service. More and more, the technology allows for a very localized or stand-alone option. This means you save money while also having immediate access to your own security system. In this instance, all the recorded data can be stored locally on camera-operated devices, a designated local drive or the cloud. 

The obvious downside is you lose these security perks if your internet is disrupted or disabled. There are a number of new systems that include back up mechanisms and connectivity options in the case of a lost connection. It’s simply a matter of researching the hardware and understanding how it might all play out in your home and according to your needs. 

What Do You Need in a Home Security System?

Despite the advancing technologies, the options are all still there. You can choose a stand-alone security system that has no attachments to the outside world. This is old school and, as mentioned, it is just as effective as it ever was when it comes to scaring away potential intruders. 

There is also the option of a security system that is accessed by way of an existing phone line. This generally means that a contract is involved as a monitoring agency then attaches and becomes a part of your system.

The most flexible and accessible security systems are ones that are internet-abled. With the more advanced tech, you can choose a monitoring service or hold to a stand-alone system. You can also access your house 24/7 remotely from any internet-abled device. The internet features are also security redundancy to one or both of the above advantages. 

If you’re interested in a home alarm system, or business security system, don’t hesitate to contact A-1 Locksmith today. We’ll be happy to consult on which option best suits your needs.

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