Most Dallas locksmiths carry blank transponder keys.  Unlike what the dealerships will tell you, a car dealer is not the only one that can provide you with a new or replacement key. Good techs can program your key by simply reading the code that your car takes.

A-1 Dallas Locksmiths carries virtually every blank for domestic and foreign cars in our massive inventory, and we have the equipment required to read the transponder’s or a transceiver’s code on your key. Unlike most Dallas locksmiths, A-1’s transponder keys are made with cutting-edge technology that allows them to guarantee your key’s programming for life.

A-1 also annually updates all of its top-of-the-line equipment to ensure that you get the best service available on the market.

Techs have two methods of programming your keys.  They can read the code on your key and make a duplicate, or they can read the code on your car. They will come out to you to read the code off of the car or the key.  After reading the code, the technician’s equipment then imprints the code onto the appropriate blank. There are three kinds of electronic codes used in vehicle magnetic-coupled transponder systems: fixed codes are permanent; rolling codes change each time the key is inserted; and cryptographic or password protected codes which are created on the fly with bidirectional algorithms.

A-1 techs can make new keys for all types.

Most Dallas locksmiths cannot afford to buy the technology to read and program codes, nor can they afford to keep their equipment running at its optimum every year. A-1’s company, on the other hand, has discovered that it cannot afford not to keep up with the latest technology.  We believe that customers deserve the quality that they pay for. We keep current on new technologies that might require us to have the latest in duplicating or programming capability. It is always advisable to have and carry a spare key and to always store their keys in safe places.

Call A-1 Dallas Locksmiths Today for Emergency Service: 972-404-4285

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