Keypads are great entry options for home safes, as they’re more convenient and technologically advanced than traditional entry methods. The main question is, what happens when the battery dies? Do you have to call a professional? Does a magic safe fairy come and deliver a new one under your pillow at night? Can you change a safe keypad battery yourself?

Let’s walk through the steps typically associated with a keypad battery change to help you decide whether it’s worth a DIY attempt or if it’s time to call a professional locksmith. 

(Note: these instructions are based on the SECURAM ProLogic series of keypads.)

Step #1: Find the Battery Compartment

Top-lit, back-lit and LCD screen keypads are usually pretty easy to find where to change the battery. It’s often found at about the 5 O’clock position, though you can work your way around the keypad to find it if it’s not there. 

Step #2: Remove the Compartment

There should be a lever that you can pull to slide out the battery compartment. It comes out pretty easily and often features a D-cell battery.

Step #3: Replace the Battery

This is pretty straightforward, with no special batteries required or anything. Just buy a pack of D Cells and use one of them for the keypad. Discard the old battery.

Step #4: Replace the Compartment

Slide the compartment back into the slot the same way it came out. (Again, this should be around the 5 o’clock position.) Make sure the battery and compartment are both in the right way, or either could get stuck. Once it’s in, you’re done with your keypad battery change!

Step #5: Verify the Battery Level

If your keypad features an LCD screen, you’ll be able to check the battery level with a quick glance at the top-right corner. It displays your battery life similar to the way your phone does.

Finding the Best Safe Accessories

If you’re looking to upgrade your home safe, getting a keypad upgrade from A-1 Locksmith is a great place to start. We have top-lit, back-lit and LCD screen keypads, as well as other safe accessories like outlet kits, anchors, storage options, dehumidifiers and more. Check out our accessories page to see all of the items we have in stock. Stop by any of our DFW-area locations today and one of our professional technicians will help you find what you need to maximize the security of your safe. 

If you have other safe or security questions, contact the team at A-1 Locksmith today!

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