Warmer weather is almost here. As such, everyone knows it’s a time when people typically go on vacations. Criminals do, too! In fact, they view this well-traveled season as an opportunity to bring unwanted surprises upon individuals and families just wanting to enjoy their summer vacations..

Here are some tips for keeping your home or business safe if you’re planning to be away for any amount of time.

Keeping Your Home Safe During Summer Vacations

Keeping your home safe while on vacation during the summer looks a little different than it does for businesses, which don’t have this predictable seasonality of vulnerability. But you can put preventative measures in place regardless to ensure your home is protected. After all, it’s what you’ll come home to and where you’ll spend the most time after you get back. Here are some tips for keeping your home safe during summer vacations:

  • Secure doors and windows: All of them! Most people these days have security measures in place for doors, but they can always be improved. Many don’t think about the windows, however (and criminals know this).
  • Use timers: For lighting and electronics, invest in a timer to turn them on and off at the schedule you desire. This gives the appearance of someone still living there.
  • Install a video doorbell: If you don’t have one yet, now is the time to get one. You can remotely access, manage and even speak to visitors via a video doorbell.
  • Stop mail and newspaper delivery: If mail or newspapers pile up, that signals that you aren’t at home. Schedule a gap in delivery, or ask a neighbor to collect them for you.
  • Maintain your landscaping: Another indication of a home without residents is a lawn that gets overgrown or messy. Make sure you keep up your landscaping schedule.

Keeping Your Business Safe During Summer Trips

Business security has a different approach. You want to protect your building, inventory and resources, but thankfully you don’t have to worry about family safety as much. Here are some tips for keeping your business safe during summer trips:

  • Upgrade your security system: If your security system doesn’t let you access it remotely or doesn’t give you a view of all accents points, it’s time to upgrade.
  • Install video or voice intercoms: This can help you protect certain areas of your business while you’re away, even if you stay open. Examples include a room with safes or a space with important documents. 
  • Maintain your grounds: Like the landscaping note above, make sure you still have janitorial and maintenance tasks completed while you’re away. Trash, dirt and other debris can tip off criminals that you’re gone.
  • Don’t advertise closures in advance: This is a little tricky for businesses who have customers, but try not to post about business closures on social media far in advance (which gives criminals time to plan). If you have to post about it, do it the day of (or the day before) your trip.
  • Ask neighboring businesses for help: Just as you can ask a neighbor to help watch your home, you can get to know fellow business owners in your area and ask them to do things like pick up mail/newspapers and watch for any shady activity.

If you’re interested in more advice for keeping your home or business safe during summer vacations, contact A-1 Locksmith today or stop by any of our DFW-area locations.

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