Cords get all the attention these days due to the number of people who are cutting them, but don’t forget about keys. Not only are more people opting for keyless fobs, phone apps and smart locks, but more manufacturers (e.g. vehicle makers) are designing their products without the need for a physical key.

Whether for a home, business or automobile, keyless entry systems have their benefits. Let’s discuss some of the advantages keyless systems offer for these three core areas.

Advantages of Keyless Entry for Your Home

Keyless entry systems that utilize combinations, biometrics or even facial recognition are an option for more and more homeowners these days. Here are some of the advantages of residential keyless entry systems:

  • Added security: traditional keys can not only be lost, but they’re easily duplicated as well. Keyless systems use advanced technology and authentication methods that are difficult to mimic, ensuring only authorized individuals have access to your home.
  • More convenience: who hasn’t tried to bring in a load of groceries and had to set them down to open the door? With a keyless entry system, you can unlock the door with often a simple touch, eliminating the time and effort required for finding your keys.
  • Better flexibility: it’s easier to give family members or trusted friends a combination code or permission via an app than it is to duplicate a key and hand it over to them. You also have more control.

Advantages of Keyless Entry for Your Car

Keyless entry systems aren’t just for homes; they’re transforming the way we access our vehicles as well. Here are some of the advantages of automotive keyless entry systems:

  • Hands-free access: say goodbye to fumbling for your keys while holding a bag after shopping. Keyless entry systems like key fobs allow you to unlock your car with the push of a button (and many vehicles these days also let you start the car remotely).
  • Anti-theft measures: modern keyless entry systems utilize advanced encryptions and changing codes that significantly reduce the risk of theft. It’s possible your insurance company might even give you a discount for having one.
  • Bonus features: there is added functionality with some keyless auto entry systems, such as vehicle tracking and climate control.

Advantages of Keyless Entry for Your Office

Finally, businesses can improve their security with keyless entry systems. Here are some of the advantages of commercial keyless entry systems:

  • Access management: it’s easier to control which employees have access to which rooms, since credentials can be activated or deactivated remotely. Instead of having to change locks or retrieve keys, you can simply update the settings of your system.
  • Activity tracking: you can verify employee activity like logging out and when they exit, which can help you maintain attendance and verify visitor entry times.
  • Security system integration: many keyless entry systems easily integrate with alarm or surveillance systems, giving you a more comprehensive security solution that safeguards your office space.

Whether for your home, vehicle or business, A-1 Locksmith can provide consultation, purchase, installation and maintenance services for keyless entry systems. To get started or obtain a no-obligation quote, contact us today.

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