Association partnerships are important in any industry, but are especially important when it comes to safety – such as home or business security. As such, it’s important to pay attention to who your prospective locksmith partners with so you can have peace of mind about your hiring decision.

Today, we’re going to take a look at one of A-1 Locksmith’s partner associations: the Safe & Vault Technicians Association (SAVTA). Read on to learn more about this organization, criteria for membership and benefits of a SAVTA membership.

About the Safe & Vault Technicians Association

According to the SAVTA website, “SAVTA is the Safe & Vault Technicians Association, the world’s leading trade association devoted entirely to serving professional safe and vault technicians worldwide.” The organization, which started in 1986, has had a goal of furthering the technical knowledge of the industry while promoting professionalism via its membership, which provides benefits to thousands of safe and vault technicians. The association is viewed as an industry leader.

Safe & Vault Technicians Association Membership Criteria

The SAVTA membership application includes many of the requirements for membership. These feature the following (but are not limited to):

  • Real and verifiable contact information
  • Employment in a valid field
  • Trade-related character references
  • SAVTA Member Sponsor (with number)
  • Previous employment experience
  • Membership fees

Benefits of a Safe & Vault Technicians Association Membership

There are several benefits of a SAVTA membership, from discounts to bonding, discounts and marketing resources. Here are a few of the biggest perks:

  • Subscription to a bi-monthly trade magazine to foster professional development
  • Technical hotline for help with advanced or complex locksmithing issues
  • Convention and trade show access
  • Membership certificate and ID

Other SAVTA Perks

With a goal of increasing technical knowledge in the industry, SAVTA has several resources available, such as a forum where you can ask questions related to locksmith topics and products. There is a well-rated magazine, classifieds, a big annual convention, an online store and more. The association has several sponsors and connections in the industry as well for those looking to connect with fellow locksmiths and locksmith organizations.

A-1 Locksmith is proud to partner with the Safe & Vault Technicians Association. If you’d like to know more, visit the SAVTA website today.

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