At A-1 Locksmith, we value our professional locksmith association partners. They support us, we support them and we work together to ensure the best experience and security solutions possible for our customers.

If you’re not familiar with the Texas Locksmith Association (TLA), today’s post is for you. Let’s cover who the TLA is, what they require for members and the benefits of membership.

About the Texas Locksmith Association

According to the TLA website, “the Texas Locksmiths Association provides support for its members through continuing education classes held throughout the state, and our annual conference and trade show. Our goal is to assist members in growing their businesses, improving their public image, and providing continuing education on a variety of topics of interest to the members. The Texas Locksmiths Association also provides scholarship funds for deserving sons and daughters of its members. The funds are awarded on an annual basis, and renewals are possible.”

Texas Locksmith Association Membership Criteria

TLA is unique in that it offers multiple tiers of membership, unlike many other professional associations. Here is the criteria for different tiers:

  • Tier 1 (Regular): To qualify for Tier 1 membership, applicants must be 18 years of age and have six months of locksmith experience. They must also be a registered owner of a locksmith shop or receive extensive education and/or training. Membership must also be maintained for renewals. 
  • Tier 2 (Apprentice): Same as Tier 1, however the individual must be 12 years of age and a dependent of a Regular or Life TLA member. Membership upgrades to Regular (Tier 1) when the individual turns 18.
  • Tier 3 (Associate): Requires individuals or businesses to be approved and pay fees set by the TLA Board of Directors (BOD).
  • Tier 4 (Honorary): Two requirements: 1, exemplary contributions and service to TLA; and 2, be selected by the BOD.
  • Tier 5 (Life): Several requirements, including good standing in TLA for 10 years (minimum) and a BOD spot or other requirement, or 15 years of continuous membership (and 65 years of age). No more than three Life members are selected each year.

Benefits of Texas Locksmith Association Membership

A Texas Locksmith Association membership helps both locksmith companies and the customers they serve. Here are a few of the benefits of a Texas Locksmith Association Membership:

  1. Network with fellow locksmiths and vendors – members get the opportunity to share knowledge, tips, and tricks to grow and improve their business.
  2. Stay connected – TLA distributes Texas Occupations Code & Texas Administrative Code updates to our membership regularly. These laws that regulate locksmiths in Texas.
  3. Receive continuing education and ongoing training – 16 CEU’s every two years are required to maintain a locksmith endorsement with DPS.
  4. Band together – TLA works to ensure the interests of Texas locksmiths are considered when working with DPS and the state.
  5. Save money – Membership in TLA gives members training and continuing education. This is often passed on to the customer in one form or another.

A-1 Locksmith is proud to partner with the Texas Locksmith Association. If you’d like to know more, visit the Texas Locksmith Association website today.

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