November 2020
Fixing a Lock on Your Safe: 4 Options
The most frustrating situations are the ones where there seems to be no solution. Getting locked out of a safe? That qualifies. If you’ve suddenly found yourself with a need to fix a lock on [...]
Pop-A-Lock® vs. Local Locksmith Services
The “national chain vs. local business” debate is one that impacts a variety of industries. Whether it’s deciding on where to go for a cup of coffee, lunch or even groceries, you usually have either [...]
Deadbolt Locks: Do You Need Them in Arlington?
As Arlington continues to grow with the rest of the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex, so does the need for extra home security measures. After all, many studies show that as population density increases, so does the [...]
October 2020
Taking a Look at Changes to the A-1 Locksmith Website
As a company that has served the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex since 1949, we’ve seen a thing or two change over the years. Cars have changed. Technology has changed. People have changed. But one thing that [...]
4 Types of Smart Security Devices to Consider for Your Home or Business
Whoever said you can’t put a price on peace of mind was right. Your home and your business are where you feel comfortable, so it only makes sense that you would want to feel safe [...]
Key Fob Replacement: 7 Tips
Ahh… the car key. What was once a simple, uncomplicated device that unlocked your car doors and started the ignition is now a more advanced piece of technology than you might think. There are several [...]
September 2020
How Much of Your Business’ Budget Should You Allocate for Security?
Security is an important part of all of our lives, especially if you’re a commercial business owner. Budgeting is also a concern. Too much of your budget allocated for security will eat into your profits. [...]
KeyMe vs. Professional Key-Cutting Services
You've likely seen them in big-box retailers. You might have even used them. Those portable key-copying machines can sure appear convenient and affordable. But are they worth it compared to hiring a professional locksmith? Let's [...]
How to Avoid a Locksmith Scam in North Dallas
As long as human beings are around, there will always be those looking to take advantage of them. Even in 2020, with the global pandemic, social unrest and other disruptive events, North Dallas citizens need [...]
Security Tips for Assisted Living Facilities
When it comes to assisted living facilities, the health, happiness and peace of mind of its residents are all a priority for staff. After all, one of the main purposes of assisted living facilities is [...]
Tips to Avoid an Emergency Carrollton Lock Rekey
Unexpected situations are… well, unexpected. But they can also be stressful and cause anxiety. One unexpected situation that can surprise Carrollton residents is having to call a professional locksmith for an emergency Carrollton lock rekey. [...]
August 2020
How Car Keys Have Changed Over the Years
A lot has changed the past seven decades. Gas prices have skyrocketed, music trends have come and gone and we’ve seen more technological advances than we can shake a stick at. Of many technological advancements [...]
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