September 2024
How Much Should I Budget for a Safe?
Some products are impulse buys. Candy bars, chewing gum and drinks are a few examples of products you’ll see while waiting in a checkout line at a grocery store that won't set you back if [...]
August 2024
Ways To Improve Your Business Monitoring
Mitigating theft, protecting employees and lowering insurance premiums are all reasons you as a business owner should prioritize security. Business theft is rarely the newsworthy event of someone smashing their car through a storefront and [...]
7 Ways To Upgrade Your Home with Smart Home Security
Long gone are the days of home security options being limited to privacy knobs, deadbolts and latches. It is now paramount to consider hardware options that also involve software to maximize your home security. Cameras [...]
The History of Keys and Locks
Scientist Carl Sagan once said that “you have to know the past to understand the present.” This is good advice for any area where you want to increase your knowledge or make better decisions. After [...]
July 2024
How To Change Your Gun Safe Lock
You may not think you ever have to change a gun safe lock once you get one, but there are a variety of reasons for doing so. Most often, this is a compliment to the [...]
Commercial Lockout Prevention and Preparation Guide
There are certain things your employees don’t really need to know. For example, a janitor doesn’t really need to have an understanding of how cash deposits work or how to complete inventory. Nor does a [...]
June 2024
How To Install a Gun Safe Power Outlet
Adding power to your gun safe is much different than adding power to your car. For the latter, you might need to install a performance tuner, upgrade the air intake or swap out the exhaust. [...]
5 Ways Locksmiths Can Help with Multi-Unit Properties
It can be easy to forget that certain home services are beneficial for both condominiums and apartments. Many of us think that these are only for people who own single-family residences. But this couldn’t be [...]
How To Find the Best Gun Safe Moving Services in Dallas
Napoleon Bonaparte once said that “nothing is more difficult, and therefore more precious, than to be able to decide.” While he was famous for his endeavors leading France, this statement rings true in America today. [...]
The 5 Best Gun Safe Accessories
Not all gun safe accessories are created equal. Some give you more value for your dollar than others. And there are models or brands of accessories that may fit your needs better than other models [...]
May 2024
Fail-Safe vs. Fail-Secure Locks: What’s the Difference?
Fail safe? Fail secure? These two terms aren’t familiar to the average person, but they’re commonly used in the locksmithing and security industries. These are references to types of electronic locks and while they sound [...]
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