September 2017
Common Lock Types – What You Should Know
Keys, locks, and deadbolts; oh my! If you’ve been researching security options for your home, business or storage space, you’ve probably noticed there are just a few options to choose from in the lock department. [...]
Why Some Locksmith Companies Don’t Care if You have a Good Experience
Ever feel like a company you’ve hired just hasn’t gotten the message that the customer comes first? Or maybe you’ve been left high-and-dry with shoddy service, poor communication or unexpected costs thrown into that final [...]
August 2017
With Automobile Hacking are Older Models More Secure?
Ah, technology. It seems nowadays just about everything is electronic, wireless, Bluetooth connected or otherwise compatible with the latest and greatest in computing technology. Your phone can talk to your car and alert you that [...]
5 Ways to Protect Your Car from Theft Beyond Locking the Doors
Next to our homes, your car, truck, van or bus (we’re looking at you Partridge Family) is one of the biggest investments you’ll ever make. Beyond the monetary aspect, unless you enjoy biking 20 miles [...]
Do Neighborhood Social Apps Such as NextDoor Prevent Crime?
If you’re like the rest of us, you probably have that one nosy neighbor that knows what everyone else on the block is up to. Over a cup of morning coffee, they’ll happily share that [...]
July 2017
Is Your Home Security System at Risk for Being Hacked
Did you know that in Texas, as in many states, Locksmith are required to maintain certifications, licensing and undergo extensive training before they engage in, legal, locksmith services? Turns out it takes more than a [...]
What are the Licensing Requirements for a Locksmith in Texas?
Did you know that in Texas, as in many states, Locksmith are required to maintain certifications, licensing and undergo extensive training before they engage in, legal, locksmith services? Turns out it takes more than a [...]
3 Reasons why a Gun Cannot Replace a Home Security System
Let’s get serious for a moment. While many of our safety and security write-ups here at A-1 Locksmith can be fun, silly and downright ridiculous, we’re cognizant that the safety of you and your family [...]
Can Fire Protection Estimates for Safes be Trusted?
It’s to be expected that modern product marketing leaves you a bit skeptical when it comes to product claims. With “five-dollar foot longs” measuring in at a measly 10 inches and everlasting gobstoppers being far [...]
7 Habits that Might Make your Home a Target for Crime
Admit it, you’re a creature of habit. Every morning you hit the snooze button exactly twice before rolling blindly out of bed, stumbling to the coffee maker and pushing start. You take the same train, [...]
June 2017
Safe Dehumidifiers and Why You Need One
So, you went out and bought yourself a safe, did you? Maybe even one of those fancy, fire-proof designs. Guaranteed to protect your belongings from would be thieves, Mother Nature or the errant electrical spark. [...]
5 Ways Your Kids Could be Hurting Your Home Security
The joys of children. You hold them when they’re babies. They laugh and roll your eyes when they’re toddlers. You help them through their primary school days with ABC’s and reading lessons. You devote time, [...]
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