January 2017
Difference Between a Residential, Automotive and Commercial Locksmith
Not all locksmiths are equal. In fact, a locksmith may only specialize in one area, and therefore be unable to provide the duties that another locksmith professional would. If you are a commercial business, contacting [...]
December 2016
Home Safe vs. Safe Deposit Box
When you need a place to store your valuables, deciding between a home safe or a safe deposit box can be a difficult decision. The truth is, both home safes and safe deposit boxes have [...]
Importance of Hiring a Bonded Locksmith
Many people believe that if a locksmith is licensed, then they are also bonded. However, the two terms are not synonymous, and hiring a locksmith who possesses both merits can ensure that your best interests [...]
Home Security Checklist 2017
As homeowners, many of us take a variety of different precautions to ensure that our house and the contents within are safe from intruders. Of course, this may include locking the doors at all times, [...]
DIY Locksmith Fails
For many individuals, the idea of calling a locksmith may seem unnecessary. After all, with so much information and instruction available on the internet, isn't it easier to simply tackle the project alone, without the assistance [...]
February 2016
Why Your Baby Monitor Web Cam May Be Vulnerable to Prying Eyes
Loving and caring parents often turn to the use of in-room cameras to monitor their children from afar. To be sure, mom and dad may utilize this type of device to watch their newborn baby [...]
January 2016
How to Find the Best Dallas Locksmith
Like the search for any other professional service, finding the best locksmith in Dallas requires the customer to perform due diligence before making a choice. Of course, while some individuals in the Metroplex claim they [...]
What the Dealership Doesn’t Want You to Know About Your Key Fob
Since the advent of remote technology, many car manufacturers have begun crafting vehicles with locks that can be opened using nothing more than a key fob. With possession of a key fob, the owner can [...]
Why Your Door Suddenly Stopped Latching
A door that latches tightly shut is often something that many of us take for granted. To be sure, when our front door latches well, it leaves us with no inconvenience; however, when the same [...]
Door Hardware Checklist
A properly working door and lockset is made up of a number of different parts. Specifically, virtually all exterior doors will be installed with a lock, which may utilize one of many different security access [...]
5 Situations in Which You Should Rekey or Replace Your Home or Business Locks
Rekeying or replacing the locks to your home or business may truly seem like an unnecessary hassle except for in the most extreme of circumstances. And, in fact, many home or business owners may proceed [...]
December 2015
Top 3 Things Burglars Don’t Want You to Know
While it may be an uncomfortable topic to broach, all homeowners should be aware of and understand the risks of burglary in their neighborhood. To be sure, burglary is relatively common in the state of [...]
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