A-1 Locksmith
A-1 Locksmith
Articles covering the latest in locks, security & more.

Security Tips Blog


September 2015

Why You Should Call a Locksmith for Your Home Automation Needs

September 26, 2015|A-1 Locksmiths, Home Automation, Locksmith, Residential Locksmith, Residential Locksmiths|

Fully automating the locks in your home can provide you with a significant amount of convenience and ultimately free up your hands when you arrive at your front door. By installing a set of automated [...]

Why You Should Always Be Weary of A-1 Locksmiths’ Impostors

September 14, 2015|A-1 Locksmiths|

At A-1 Locksmith, we are extremely proud of the service that we have offered Dallas-area residents for more than six decades. Our commitment to high-quality work, professionalism, and comprehensive locksmith services has even led the [...]

Locked Out with a Keyless Entry? You’re Not Alone

September 11, 2015|A-1 Locksmiths, Auto Locksmith, auto remotes, Keyless Entry|

Many of us have, at one point in time, found ourselves locked out of the car we plan on driving home. We fumble around in our pockets and search our bags, only to peer inside [...]

August 2015

Why A-1 Locksmith is the Best Dallas Locksmith Company

August 14, 2015|A-1 Locksmiths, Locksmith, Locksmith In Dallas|

Putting your trust in a Dallas-area locksmith can be a difficult task if you’ve been burned by a scam of one of our competitors. Locksmiths perform a critical service, but often times this is a [...]

Our Services

To learn more about our locksmith services, please select from below. Reach out to us if you have any questions or would like more info.