July 2023
5 Auto Security Trends You Shouldn’t Ignore
Some trends have little or no redeeming qualities; others can be beneficial for years to come. Bell bottoms, for example, were mainly a fad based on their unique styling. Cargo pants, on the other hand, [...]
How To Keep Your Home or Business Safe During Summer Vacations
Warmer weather is almost here. As such, everyone knows it's a time when people typically go on vacations. Criminals do, too! In fact, they view this well-traveled season as an opportunity to bring unwanted surprises [...]
When To Call a Locksmith After a House Fire
A house fire can be a troubling experience. Most people only plan for the quickest ways to exit a house in case of a fire, and that’s obviously paramount. But have you thought about when [...]
5 A-1 Locksmith Reviews You’ll Want To Read
Marketing trends come and go, but one that will always reign supreme is word-of-mouth advertising due to its ability to swiftly communicate reputation from trusted contacts. According to the article Word of Mouth Marketing: Stats [...]
Home Security During Showings: What To Consider
Safety is important to all of us, especially at home. But what about home security while a house is on the market and you have the foot traffic of strangers? There are few other times [...]
4 Mistakes to Avoid When Moving a Safe Yourself
Some people learn things the hard way. Then there are those who prefer to learn from others’ mistakes. This applies to everything from selling a car to interviewing for a job. Security is no exception. [...]
April 2023
What the Dealership Doesn’t Want You to Know About Your Key Fob
Technology. It’s an amazing thing, but it’s always changing. Those who use the latest technology tend to enjoy more conveniences and fun in life, whether we’re talking about the latest phone model or your car [...]
10 Door Hardware Terms You Might Not Know
Prox cards. Electric strikes. Door releases. What do all of these terms have in common? They're related to door hardware. Whether you work with doors regularly, have employment in the locksmithing industry or simply want [...]
Push Start vs. Traditional Car Keys: Which Is Better?
“If ain’t broke, don't fix it.” That's the attitude many of us have in life, which is fair. After all, most of us are trying to save time and money where we can and want [...]
March 2023
Wireless vs. Wired Security Camera Systems
Certain things still require wires. Take internet cables and charging cords, for example. More and more, however, device and electronic designers are doing away with wires for the cost savings and added convenience. Wireless technology [...]
How To Conduct Your Own Home Security Audit
Have you ever written a text, read it again and again, then sent it, only to realize it had a typo? For whatever reason, our brains miss details in things it regularly processes. That’s why [...]
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