March 2023
‘Should You Keep a Safe in the Car?’ and 4 Other Common Safe Questions
As One of the Largest Distributors of Safes in North Texas, We Can Answer Your Questions about Safes. An example: 'Should You Keep a Safe in the Car?' We Cover This and 4 Other Common Safe Questions.
10 Accessibility Improvement Ideas for Commercial Businesses
Being environmentally conscious is arguably the biggest concern for businesses and corporations these days. But accessibility is right on its heels. While commercial businesses have different needs and resources depending on their size, accessibility is [...]
February 2023
6 Security Tips Every Parent Should Teach Their Children
It's up to parents to prepare their children for the world. We teach them things like proper manners, how to react to challenging circumstances and our beliefs. Another big responsibility parents have is teaching their [...]
The One Thing You Should Never Do With Your Car
Ahh… common sense. If only it was as common as it sounded. Unfortunately, things happen in the moment that can make even the smartest and most put-together individuals seem like a few tacos short of [...]
4 Benefits of Regular Home Security Walkthroughs
Most homeowners are accustomed to performing regular maintenance tasks on their home’s most important components. Air filters are one example. These should be replaced every three months or so and the air filters themselves can [...]
January 2023
Should You Replace Your Door Handles?
They say you don’t appreciate what you have until it’s gone. This is apparent when you experience an injury on an important body part, like an eye or foot. When these are hurt, it impacts [...]
Planning Vacations With Home Security in Mind
Inflation is up. Political parties are divided. There is something to be offended about at every turn. Put simply, we could all use a vacation! Unfortunately, if something happens to your home while you’re away, [...]
Car Lockout Kits: Pros and Cons
Inflation has been intense the past couple of years, to put it lightly. According to BECU, eggs are up 33 percent in 2022 from 2021, chicken is up 20 percent and lunch meats are up [...]
5 Security-Related New Year’s Resolutions To Consider
Some people love New Year’s Resolutions. Others make it a resolution to not make any resolutions. (But isn’t that a resolution in itself?) Regardless of which camp you fall into, it's not too late to [...]
December 2022
10 Dallas Crime Statistics That May Surprise You
In general, the higher the population, the more incidents of crime occur. In light of North Texas' population boom the past few years, this is more relevant than ever for Dallas-Fort Worth residents. What does [...]
Would Your Business Pass a Security Audit?
You can't improve what you don't measure. Just ask any pastry chef how many recipes they went through before perfecting the final version of their favorite dessert! To identify areas of improvement, one must test. [...]
5 Vehicle Parts To Consider Replacing
We swap out parts on our vehicles for a variety of reasons. Usually, it’s because the old part has worn down and the car needs a replacement to work properly. Other times, it’s for cosmetic [...]
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