October 2022
Door Lock Installations: Best Practices
“When all else fails, do it yourself.” We’re not sure who came up with this saying, but it probably didn’t end up well for them. There are certain projects you can do yourself, of course, [...]
5 Must-Have Accessories for Every Safe Owner
In today’s world where many products have a confusing amount of companion products, there are certain accessories that actually help people use a product more effectively. Then there are accessories that aren’t necessary to the [...]
Best Locks for Preventing Break-Ins
Ah, locks… they’re designed to prevent access, but that isn’t what happens sometimes. Burglars break them, rust and time wear them down and, sometimes, manufacturers don’t design them properly, leading to compromised facilities. The truth [...]
Security Systems 101
Not a security system expert? You're not alone. Unless you have the proper training and expertise, it can be almost impossible to tell one component from another—much less set up and maintain an entire security [...]
September 2022
Are Phones Good or Bad for Security?
Technology. It can make our lives easier while at the same time drive us insane when it doesn’t work properly. And no piece of technology is more prevalent in our lives than the smartphone. In [...]
4 Types of Commercial Locks To Consider
Are you protecting your business as well as you can or should? Commercial security is important for all companies, but securing your business is becoming increasingly more important as businesses are seeing higher incidents of [...]
Partner Spotlight: The Associated Locksmiths of America, Inc. (ALOA)
One of the best ways to identify whether a locksmith company is legitimate, trustworthy and dedicated to customer service is with its professional association memberships. After all, this is a great indicator that the company [...]
Security and Maintenance Tips for Sliding Glass Doors
Ah, sliding glass doors. They’ve been the bane of birds' existence for years. (The ones that are cleaned regularly, anyway.) But did you know that these types of doors can also pose a security issue [...]
August 2022
Partner Spotlight: Safe & Vault Technicians Association (SVTA)
Association partnerships are important in any industry, but are especially important when it comes to safety - such as home or business security. As such, it’s important to pay attention to who your prospective locksmith [...]
Residential Doors: Common Materials and Types
Contrary to popular belief, not all doors are wood and rectangular. (If you’ve seen any of the hobbit homes in the Lord of the Rings movies, you know this is true.) Residential doors can vary [...]
Partner Spotlight: Texas Locksmith Association (TLA)
At A-1 Locksmith, we value our professional locksmith association partners. They support us, we support them and we work together to ensure the best experience and security solutions possible for our customers. If you’re not [...]
How To Change A Safe Keypad Battery
Keypads are great entry options for home safes, as they’re more convenient and technologically advanced than traditional entry methods. The main question is, what happens when the battery dies? Do you have to call a [...]
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