A-1 Locksmith
A-1 Locksmith
A-1 Locksmith

automobile security

Car Lockout Kits: Pros and Cons

Inflation has been intense the past couple of years, to put it lightly. According to BECU, eggs are up 33 percent in 2022 from 2021, chicken is up 20 percent and lunch meats are up 18 percent, to name a few. Everyone is looking to save a little money these [...]

Automobile Security in Dallas: Best Practices

As the Dallas-Fort Worth area continues to rise in popularity, so will the need to maintain precautions when it comes to security. Whether it’s your home, business or vehicle, following best practices can help you avoid falling victim to crime.  From locking the doors to parking in well-lit areas, here [...]

4 Reasons Why Even Modern Cars Are Vulnerable to Thieves

You’d think that as technology advances, our security protections would increase. But that’s not necessarily the case. Criminals will find a way to get what they want, no matter how many precautions you put into place. This is even true when it comes to today’s state-of-the-art cars. The modern vehicle [...]

6 Ways Dallas Residents Can Improve Automobile Security in 2021

We’ve officially made it… 2020 is in our rear-view mirror. Speaking of rear-view mirrors, it’s a good time to talk about cars. Specifically, improving car security for the coming year.  If you’re considering a New Year’s Resolution in 2021, instead of focusing on losing weight or saving money, why not [...]

January 5, 2021|Categories: Automobile Security|Tags: |

5 Ways to Protect Your Car from Theft Beyond Locking the Doors

Next to our homes, your car, truck, van or bus (we’re looking at you Partridge Family) is one of the biggest investments you’ll ever make.  Beyond the monetary aspect, unless you enjoy biking 20 miles to work, your car is also a critical tool for transportation and integral to your [...]

August 8, 2017|Categories: Automobile Security|Tags: , , , |