A-1 Locksmith
A-1 Locksmith
A-1 Locksmith

car alarm

5 Ways to Protect Your Car from Theft Beyond Locking the Doors

Next to our homes, your car, truck, van or bus (we’re looking at you Partridge Family) is one of the biggest investments you’ll ever make.  Beyond the monetary aspect, unless you enjoy biking 20 miles to work, your car is also a critical tool for transportation and integral to your [...]

August 8, 2017|Categories: Automobile Security|Tags: , , , |

Do Car Alarms Deter Crime or Only Serve as an Annoyance?

We’ve all experienced this common scenario.  You and your family have finally snuggled safely into your beds for the night.  Maybe that new baby has actually managed to fall asleep for once.  Perhaps you have a major presentation at the office in the morning and you just can’t wait to [...]

June 14, 2017|Categories: Auto Locksmith, Car Alarms|Tags: , , |