A-1 Locksmith
A-1 Locksmith
A-1 Locksmith

chip keys

Should you Buy Your Replacement Auto Keys Online?

We’ve all been there when it comes to losing the keys to your car.  Whether left behind in the restaurant, dropped along that morning jog route or swallowed up into the black hole of doom that seems to exist in every home, misplaced or lost keys can really put a [...]

October 10, 2017|Categories: Replace Keys|Tags: , , , |

Chip Keys – Securing Your Vehicle

Nowadays there are many devices that come with computer chips, even pens. Chip keys may be the latest addition into the “computer chip world”. One thing to note s is that they can be quite helpful. We will look at why you have to upgrade to chip keys and how [...]

March 25, 2013|Categories: chip keys|Tags: |