A-1 Locksmith
A-1 Locksmith

Dallas Fire Code Requirements for Fire Exit Hardware

Is your fire exit hardware up to code? Yes, there is a code and it’s vital that your exit signs and hardware function properly in the event of an actual emergency. Let’s take a closer look at the Dallas Fire Code requirements for your business.  What You Need to Know [...]

10 Dallas Crime Statistics That May Surprise You

In general, the higher the population, the more incidents of crime occur. In light of North Texas' population boom the past few years, this is more relevant than ever for Dallas-Fort Worth residents. What does crime look like in DFW these days? Is it time to upgrade your home security [...]

The Safest (and Most Dangerous) Cities in Dallas-Fort Worth

People are moving to North Texas for a variety of reasons, from the lack of state income tax to the mild winters and freedoms enjoyed by its citizens. Other reasons to move here include a desire to escape city restrictions and find a safer place to live. The latter reason [...]

Solutions for Monitoring Your Dallas Business

We unfortunately live in a world where you shouldn’t let your guard down, even for those you employ. According to several recent studies, 95 percent of all businesses suffer from theft in the workplace. That means all business owners need to think about the possibility of theft from within and [...]

Why Dallas Residents Need a Good Security Camera System

Like any major metropolitan area, Dallas-Fort Worth has areas of town that are statistically safer than others. As such, it’s important to understand the crime rate in your immediate area and to take certain precautions if you live in an area with relatively higher crime rates by historical metrics. Security [...]

Security Tips for Assisted Living Facilities

When it comes to assisted living facilities, the health, happiness and peace of mind of its residents are all a priority for staff. After all, one of the main purposes of assisted living facilities is to ensure older citizens can be safe while still maintaining their independence. Improving security is [...]

What to Do When You Lose Your Keys

Few experiences are quite as frustrating as losing the keys to your house, business or car. Discovering that your keys are no longer in your pocket or your bag can cause your spirits to sink, leaving you wondering how you’ll regain access, and who may now have access to the [...]

December 16, 2015|Categories: lost car keys, lost keys|Tags: , , , , , , |

Why Your Dallas Locksmith Should Have a Physical Location

With the surging popularity of the internet, it is easier than ever to find a locksmith within your area in less than a minute. To be sure, a quick search for local locksmiths will likely populate the page with numerous results, all boasting to be the best in the business. [...]