How to Identify a Locksmith Spam Google Local Listing and Protect Yourself from Scams
Whether you’re heading out for ice cream, want to find a tasty location to eat lunch, or want to buy a new book, you’ll probably turn to Google to help you find the best place, as well as the business nearest to you. In fact, Google has become such an [...]
Signs of an Over-Promising, Under-delivering Locksmith
Like many offers in life, some things are just too good to be true. While this is often the case for special television offers, promises of free trials, or irresistible buy-one-get-one deals, it’s also true for locksmiths; some locksmiths will over-promise, yet under-deliver on price, quality, and service. Like with [...]
Have Smartphones Helped to Eliminate Locksmith Scams?
The Internet is a constant fixture in the lives of millions Americans throughout the country, often directly accessible at our fingertips through our smartphones. And wielding smartphones has provided for a wide array of additional services and safety that likely seemed impossible only a decade ago. To be sure, using [...]