A-1 Locksmith
A-1 Locksmith
A-1 Locksmith

garage door

4 Ways to Improve the Security of Your Garage Door

As we’ve covered on this blog before, your garage door is one of the most vulnerable entry points in your home. But if your garage door is in need of repairs or lacks other basic improvements, it might be even more vulnerable than you think. There are ways to improve [...]

January 20, 2021|Categories: Garage Door Security|Tags: , , |

Could Your Garage Door be a Vulnerability in Your Home Security?

So, you think your home is pretty safe, right?  You have locks on your exterior doors, your windows are shut tight and locked.  Maybe you even have an alarm system that ensures you feel safe and cozy when you leave the house in the morning or turn off the lights [...]

October 5, 2017|Categories: Home Security|Tags: , , |