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home safe

7 Areas We’d Recommend Against Storing Your Safe

The most secure safe is one no one knows you have. It's also one that may be in an unpredictable location. If you think that the garage or basement fall in this category, we have some bad news for you: they’re the first places a burglar looks for your safe. [...]

How Much Should I Budget for a Safe?

Some products are impulse buys. Candy bars, chewing gum and drinks are a few examples of products you’ll see while waiting in a checkout line at a grocery store that won't set you back if you make a careless split-second decision. What you won’t see in that section, however, are [...]

September 12, 2024|Categories: Home Safe|Tags: , , , , , |

4 Unexpected Places You Can Put a Home Safe

There are some no-brainer locations to store a safe in your home. Closets, back rooms and the garage are all common examples. The only problem? Thieves also know these popular places people put home safes.  If you think outside the box, however, you can store a safe in an unexpected [...]

Home Security During Showings: What To Consider

Safety is important to all of us, especially at home. But what about home security while a house is on the market and you have the foot traffic of strangers? There are few other times when random people have access to your home and belongings (even if it’s temporarily). If [...]

Should You Choose Between a Safe or Security System?

Touring homes for sale is always an interesting experience. You get to see different layouts, check out different communities/areas and find out what upgrades the seller made to the home. Sometimes, these are good… other times, it’s difficult to tell what the owner was thinking. Take security upgrades, for example.  [...]

How Professionals Deliver Home Safes Upstairs

Why are professionals so good at what they do? Well, because they’re professionals - in other words, they’re good enough at a field to charge for it. This creates a dynamic in that a business simply being open is one good indicator that they are good at what they do. [...]

3 Little-Known Places You Can Store a Home Safe

In the popular Harry Potter series of books and movies, the Disillusionment Charm disguises the target to blend in with its surroundings, effectively making him or her have an appearance similar to a chameleon. While primarily used for stealthy situations and travel, we’d like to think the charm would be [...]

March 23, 2021|Categories: Home Safe|Tags: , , , |

Safe Dehumidifiers and Why You Need One

So, you went out and bought yourself a safe, did you?  Maybe even one of those fancy, fire-proof designs.  Guaranteed to protect your belongings from would be thieves, Mother Nature or the errant electrical spark.  We like to think of the need to own a safe a kind of right-of-passage; [...]

June 27, 2017|Categories: Safe, Safe Dehumidifier|Tags: , , , , |

Do You Still Need a Home Safe with a Home Security System?

Many homeowners find significant peace of mind after installing a home security system in their house. And this is for good reason: as a result of rapid advances in technology over recent years, home security systems now provide for an enhanced amount of protection, including video surveillance, alarms and alarm [...]

January 12, 2017|Categories: Home Security, Safe, Security System|Tags: , , |

Home Safe vs. Safe Deposit Box

When you need a place to store your valuables, deciding between a home safe or a safe deposit box can be a difficult decision. The truth is, both home safes and safe deposit boxes have pros and cons, and each may be better suited for certain valuable types. Here are [...]

December 29, 2016|Categories: Safe|Tags: , , , , |