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home safes

4 Unexpected Places You Can Put a Home Safe

There are some no-brainer locations to store a safe in your home. Closets, back rooms and the garage are all common examples. The only problem? Thieves also know these popular places people put home safes.  If you think outside the box, however, you can store a safe in an unexpected [...]

Should You Choose Between a Safe or Security System?

Touring homes for sale is always an interesting experience. You get to see different layouts, check out different communities/areas and find out what upgrades the seller made to the home. Sometimes, these are good… other times, it’s difficult to tell what the owner was thinking. Take security upgrades, for example.  [...]

3 Little-Known Places You Can Store a Home Safe

In the popular Harry Potter series of books and movies, the Disillusionment Charm disguises the target to blend in with its surroundings, effectively making him or her have an appearance similar to a chameleon. While primarily used for stealthy situations and travel, we’d like to think the charm would be [...]

March 23, 2021|Categories: Home Safe|Tags: , , , |