A-1 Locksmith
A-1 Locksmith
A-1 Locksmith

home security

Does a Home Alarm System Require Internet?

The immediate answer to this question is no. After all, home alarm systems have been around much longer than the internet. There was a time when alarms for your home relied on phone lines or a cellular network.  Prior to that, there were offline or stand-alone systems that would sound [...]

Are Glass Front Doors a Security Risk?

There’s something appealing about glass. It’s modern. It’s timeless. It’s open and inviting. And it’s quickly becoming one of the more popular materials for the front door of a house. Just because it’s popular, though, does that make it smart? This trend is one that can open more homeowners up [...]

7 Ways To Upgrade Your Home with Smart Home Security

Long gone are the days of home security options being limited to privacy knobs, deadbolts and latches. It is now paramount to consider hardware options that also involve software to maximize your home security. Cameras are an obvious choice but when looking to upgrade your home with smart home security, [...]

Can I Put a Keypad Lock on My Closet or Office Door?

They say it’s what’s on the inside that counts. Whoever “they” may be, it’s obvious they were talking about home security. (Or maybe that’s just us.) While you might think keypad locks and extra security measures are only applicable to your front door, the reality is that any door of [...]

The ROI of Home Security Investments

One of the most common questions when it comes to spending money is, “what’s in it for me?” Income is difficult to earn, so it only makes sense that most of us want to make sure we’re getting our dollar’s worth for the services and products we buy. Home security [...]

Pros and Cons of Using Smart Locks

There are pros and cons to most decisions in life, and you have to weigh those pros and cons to make the right decision for you. Take speedos, for example. Are the pros to this swimsuit choice? Possibly. But we would argue the disadvantages for this option outweigh any advantages [...]

How To Improve the Security of Your Apartment or Condo

Life is a little different for multi-residential tenants than it is for single-family home dwellers. For example, you hear your neighbors more often, there are usually more stairs involved and groceries are a bigger pain to bring home. Landscaping is most often a non-factor and you can often live in [...]

How To Keep Your Home or Business Safe During Summer Vacations

Warmer weather is almost here. As such, everyone knows it's a time when people typically go on vacations. Criminals do, too! In fact, they view this well-traveled season as an opportunity to bring unwanted surprises upon individuals and families just wanting to enjoy their summer vacations.. Here are some tips [...]

Home Security During Showings: What To Consider

Safety is important to all of us, especially at home. But what about home security while a house is on the market and you have the foot traffic of strangers? There are few other times when random people have access to your home and belongings (even if it’s temporarily). If [...]

6 Security Tips Every Parent Should Teach Their Children

It's up to parents to prepare their children for the world. We teach them things like proper manners, how to react to challenging circumstances and our beliefs. Another big responsibility parents have is teaching their children what is safe and unsafe.  Here are six security-related lessons you should consider teaching [...]