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home security checklist

Home Security Checklist: How To Know Your House Is Secure

When it comes to home security, there are certain areas anyone can miss. Then there are areas we shouldn’t miss, but we still do. Either way, these are blind spots that can’t be addressed unless you look for them. To give you ultimate peace of mind and ensure your house [...]

What Is the Most Vulnerable Entry Point In Your Home?

Let’s play a quick game of Jeopardy!, shall we? Here’s the answer: The most vulnerable entry point in your home. Is it the chimney? No, many houses don’t even have chimneys. Is it the garage door? Good guess, but still not right. The front door? Still no. The answer to [...]

Home Security Checklist 2017

As homeowners, many of us take a variety of different precautions to ensure that our house and the contents within are safe from intruders. Of course, this may include locking the doors at all times, keeping lights on when we go on vacation, and even setting an alarm every time [...]

December 15, 2016|Categories: Home Security|Tags: , , , , |