3 Options for Replacing the Battery in Your Key Fob
Key fobs are a convenient, modern way to access and start your vehicle, among other functions. When the battery dies, you simply replace it, right? Well, it’s not always that simple, with security features and components being different depending on the brand and type. But you ultimately have three options: [...]
5 Security-Related New Year’s Resolutions To Consider
Some people love New Year’s Resolutions. Others make it a resolution to not make any resolutions. (But isn’t that a resolution in itself?) Regardless of which camp you fall into, it's not too late to improve yourself or set some goals for improving in the upcoming year. Security is one [...]
How Key Fobs Work
We see them all the time. Many of us use them every time we get in the car. But do we know how they work? No, we’re not talking about cell phones… we’re discussing key fobs! In particular, how your typical key fob operates. Let’s cover the different key fobs [...]
Key Fob Replacement: 7 Tips
Ahh… the car key. What was once a simple, uncomplicated device that unlocked your car doors and started the ignition is now a more advanced piece of technology than you might think. There are several different types of car keys out there and the features on them can vary wildly [...]
How Car Keys Have Changed Over the Years
A lot has changed the past seven decades. Gas prices have skyrocketed, music trends have come and gone and we’ve seen more technological advances than we can shake a stick at. Of many technological advancements that have changed in the security world, car keys have, perhaps, experienced the greatest technological [...]
7 Practical Ways to Avoid Losing Car Keys or Fobs
If you’ve been frustrated with the amount of time you spend looking for your wallet, phone or car keys, you’re not alone. The average American spends 2.5 days per year looking for lost items, according to a recent survey. That translates to 10 minutes per day. Wouldn’t you like to [...]
What the Dealership Doesn’t Want You to Know About Your Key Fob
Since the advent of remote technology, many car manufacturers have begun crafting vehicles with locks that can be opened using nothing more than a key fob. With possession of a key fob, the owner can simply press a button to open the door, and many have the ability to be [...]
Get a Key Fob as a Gift Item
Key Fobs Initially, the Key Fob was created as a small weapon, but it is mainly used for artistic values these days. There are many shapes and styles of these fobs including pliers, small screw driver, or pry bars. It is also possible to create a little Key Fob using [...]
The Benefits of a Key Fob
What's a key fob? How does it work? Where can I get one? These are the questions we are going to focus majorly on a certain type of security mechanism called the key fob. We will look at how the key fob compares with other security devices and why you [...]