A-1 Locksmith
A-1 Locksmith
A-1 Locksmith

key FOBs

5 Services Dallas-Fort Worth Locksmiths Offer That You Didn’t Know About

Whoever said “ignorance is bliss” obviously didn’t have an expensive home, business or vehicle they had to worry about. Otherwise, they would likely deal with the consequences of having someone break into them. Then again, maybe they took this phrase seriously. We’ll never know. One thing we do know is [...]

What the Dealership Doesn’t Want You to Know About Your Key Fob

Technology. It’s an amazing thing, but it’s always changing. Those who use the latest technology tend to enjoy more conveniences and fun in life, whether we’re talking about the latest phone model or your car keys. In fact, more car manufacturers are embracing the benefits of remote technology as it [...]

Push Start vs. Traditional Car Keys: Which Is Better?

“If ain’t broke, don't fix it.” That's the attitude many of us have in life, which is fair. After all, most of us are trying to save time and money where we can and want to maximize our investments in the equipment, tools and devices we use daily. The truth [...]

How Key Fobs Work

We see them all the time. Many of us use them every time we get in the car. But do we know how they work? No, we’re not talking about cell phones… we’re discussing key fobs!  In particular, how your typical key fob operates. Let’s cover the different key fobs [...]

Automobile Security in Dallas: Best Practices

As the Dallas-Fort Worth area continues to rise in popularity, so will the need to maintain precautions when it comes to security. Whether it’s your home, business or vehicle, following best practices can help you avoid falling victim to crime.  From locking the doors to parking in well-lit areas, here [...]

Key Fob Replacement: 7 Tips

Ahh… the car key. What was once a simple, uncomplicated device that unlocked your car doors and started the ignition is now a more advanced piece of technology than you might think. There are several different types of car keys out there and the features on them can vary wildly [...]

How Car Keys Have Changed Over the Years

A lot has changed the past seven decades. Gas prices have skyrocketed, music trends have come and gone and we’ve seen more technological advances than we can shake a stick at. Of many technological advancements that have changed in the security world, car keys have, perhaps, experienced the greatest technological [...]

August 25, 2020|Categories: Automotive Keys|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

With Automobile Hacking are Older Models More Secure?

Ah, technology.  It seems nowadays just about everything is electronic, wireless, Bluetooth connected or otherwise compatible with the latest and greatest in computing technology.  Your phone can talk to your car and alert you that you need an oil change while you’re busy texting your oven to preheat the broiler [...]

August 11, 2017|Categories: Auto Locksmith, Car Alarms|Tags: , , , , |

Locked Out with a Keyless Entry? You’re Not Alone

Many of us have, at one point in time, found ourselves locked out of the car we plan on driving home. We fumble around in our pockets and search our bags, only to peer inside of the vehicle and notice that the keys are lying on the dashboard, almost taunting [...]