Keyless Entry Systems: The Future of Security?
Cords get all the attention these days due to the number of people who are cutting them, but don’t forget about keys. Not only are more people opting for keyless fobs, phone apps and smart locks, but more manufacturers (e.g. vehicle makers) are designing their products without the need for [...]
4 Types of Commercial Locks To Consider
Are you protecting your business as well as you can or should? Commercial security is important for all companies, but securing your business is becoming increasingly more important as businesses are seeing higher incidents of crime. The good news is that business owners can be proactive to minimize losses and [...]
How Car Keys Have Changed Over the Years
A lot has changed the past seven decades. Gas prices have skyrocketed, music trends have come and gone and we’ve seen more technological advances than we can shake a stick at. Of many technological advancements that have changed in the security world, car keys have, perhaps, experienced the greatest technological [...]
Common Lock Types – What You Should Know
Keys, locks, and deadbolts; oh my! If you’ve been researching security options for your home, business or storage space, you’ve probably noticed there are just a few options to choose from in the lock department.  From tried-and-true familiar classics to modern, fancy-dangled systems with more bells and whistles than you [...]
Do Smart Door Locks and Doorbells Offer Enhanced Security?
It seems as if everywhere you look nowadays technology is bringing added convenience and efficiency to our lives. Household goods from laundry soap to tissues can be ordered with the click of a button. Forget fussing with paper maps or printing or writing out directions; with interactive maps on your [...]
Is There Any Reason To Go To The Dealership For Remote Keyless Entry?
Remote keyless entry systems for automobiles are one of the greatest advancements in auto technology. Not only do remote keyless entry systems save a vehicle owner time in unlocking a car, but they also provide added security, too. Of course, keyless entry systems also can also help you not lock [...]
Locked Out with a Keyless Entry? You’re Not Alone
Many of us have, at one point in time, found ourselves locked out of the car we plan on driving home. We fumble around in our pockets and search our bags, only to peer inside of the vehicle and notice that the keys are lying on the dashboard, almost taunting [...]
The Benefits of a Key Fob
What's a key fob? How does it work? Where can I get one? These are the questions we are going to focus majorly on a certain type of security mechanism called the key fob. We will look at how the key fob compares with other security devices and why you [...]