How To Improve Home Security in 2022
If there's one thing 2021 taught us, it's that you can't predict anything. That being said, those who are prepared are usually the ones who adjust to the unpredictable the best. This is especially true when it comes to your home and protecting your precious belongings. Let's use this calendar [...]
Master Keys: How They Work & Who Should Get One
Master class. Master of ceremonies. Headmaster. Any word immediately becomes more powerful when you add the word “master” to it, doesn’t it? The same applies to master keys, which are more robust and secure than traditional keys. When it comes to the keys for your business, though, who should you [...]
Are Physical Keys Obsolete?
Thanks to the advancement of technology, we no longer need things like phone booths, digital cameras and print magazines. Yes, all of these are still available today, but there are more efficient and better solutions available. Physical keys are the same way. After all, you don't need a physical key [...]
How Car Keys Have Changed Over the Years
A lot has changed the past seven decades. Gas prices have skyrocketed, music trends have come and gone and we’ve seen more technological advances than we can shake a stick at. Of many technological advancements that have changed in the security world, car keys have, perhaps, experienced the greatest technological [...]
What to Do When You Lose Your Keys
Few experiences are quite as frustrating as losing the keys to your house, business or car. Discovering that your keys are no longer in your pocket or your bag can cause your spirits to sink, leaving you wondering how you’ll regain access, and who may now have access to the [...]
Replacement Keys for Your Vehicle
Perhaps you’ve lost your car key or you’re in need of replacing an older car key! You don’t need to crack your brain about that. All you need is to locate a good local locksmith company that can help you out. Replacement Keys can easily be gotten through a reliable [...]