What Is the Process for Door Lock Repair?
For many things in life, we simply pay a professional to handle it and don't invest time in learning a trade or skill ourselves. Education can be empowering, however. This is especially true for home security. The more you know about protecting your home, the better your chances of keeping [...]
When to Replace and When to Repair Deadbolts
“To repair, or to replace?” That is the question William Shakespeare posed one day while looking at the malfunctioning deadbolt in his suburban home in 1599 (scratching his head with a quill, of course). The situation inspired his most famous play, Sublet, and several spin-offs. OK, none of this is [...]
Repair vs. Replace: Residential Lock Edition
“To repair or replace… that is the question.” While Shakespeare didn’t pen this epic statement, he likely would have if he was a modern-day homeowner. From coffee makers and dishwashers to chairs and children, if something in our house fails us, we usually replace it. (OK, maybe not that last [...]