A-1 Locksmith
A-1 Locksmith
A-1 Locksmith

push bars

Dallas Fire Code Requirements for Fire Exit Hardware

Is your fire exit hardware up to code? Yes, there is a code and it’s vital that your exit signs and hardware function properly in the event of an actual emergency. Let’s take a closer look at the Dallas Fire Code requirements for your business.  What You Need to Know [...]

Why Are Push Bars So Important for Commercial Security?

Crash bars. Panic devices. Push bars. Touch bars. Whatever you call this type of door opening mechanism, you’ve likely seen it before in a variety of settings. After all, many commercial building codes — such as The Life Safety Code (NFPA 101) and the International Building Code (IBC) — require [...]

November 14, 2018|Categories: Exit Devices, Push Bars|Tags: , , |