A-1 Locksmith
A-1 Locksmith
A-1 Locksmith

safe keypad

Can I Put a Keypad Lock on My Closet or Office Door?

They say it’s what’s on the inside that counts. Whoever “they” may be, it’s obvious they were talking about home security. (Or maybe that’s just us.) While you might think keypad locks and extra security measures are only applicable to your front door, the reality is that any door of [...]

How To Change A Safe Keypad Battery

Keypads are great entry options for home safes, as they’re more convenient and technologically advanced than traditional entry methods. The main question is, what happens when the battery dies? Do you have to call a professional? Does a magic safe fairy come and deliver a new one under your pillow [...]

3 Types of Safe Keypad Upgrades You Didn’t Know About

You might be aware that you have multiple entry options for safes - like combination or key entry. But did you know there are several safe keypad upgrades you can consider as well? These upgrades are great ways to either add peace of mind about your valuables, or simply add [...]