Why It’s Important That Your Safe Is Made In America
You see brands, people and advertisements talk about it constantly. It’s a major selling point. Many people won’t even buy a product unless it has it. We’re talking about a “Made in America” disclaimer. Products without this are likely made overseas. But is that a bad thing? When it comes [...]
Fixing a Lock on Your Safe: 4 Options
The most frustrating situations are the ones where there seems to be no solution. Getting locked out of a safe? That qualifies. If you’ve suddenly found yourself with a need to fix a lock on your safe, you might feel like there is no adequate or easy solution. What do [...]
6 Things to Look for When Shopping for a Safe
It’s fairly easy to shop for some items. Take a recipe, for example. You just need to find all of the items on the recipe list and you’re good to go. (Unless you’re confused by the number of tomato varieties out there.) When it comes to something that will protect [...]
6 Safe Ways to Safely Move Your Safe
There’s a little-known tongue twister in the locksmithing community that goes something like this: “How much safe would a safe mover safely move if the safe mover’s safe could safely move?" OK, it’s not a well-known saying at all—we made it up, actually—but questions about moving safes safely are common. [...]
5 Reasons to Buy a Previously Used Safe
Buying a safe is a lot like buying a car, only at a much smaller scale financially. You have your new options, of course. But did you know you can also buy a safe that’s been previously used? Many people aren’t aware that used safes are an option—a potentially better [...]
A Look at the 4 Basic Types of Safes
Sometimes, it helps to go back to basics. While a professional locksmith may be able to give you a lengthy description of anti-thrust bolts and the history of backplate design, most of us aren’t home security experts. So, what are the basics when it comes to safes? Let’s start with [...]
Safe Dehumidifiers and Why You Need One
So, you went out and bought yourself a safe, did you? Maybe even one of those fancy, fire-proof designs. Guaranteed to protect your belongings from would be thieves, Mother Nature or the errant electrical spark. We like to think of the need to own a safe a kind of right-of-passage; [...]