What the Dealership Doesn’t Want You to Know About Your Key Fob
Since the advent of remote technology, many car manufacturers have begun crafting vehicles with locks that can be opened using nothing more than a key fob. With possession of a key fob, the owner can simply press a button to open the door, and many have the ability to be [...]
Door Hardware Checklist
A properly working door and lockset is made up of a number of different parts. Specifically, virtually all exterior doors will be installed with a lock, which may utilize one of many different security access systems; a latch and a deadbolt strike; and other pieces of metal that help ensure [...]
Top 3 Things Burglars Don’t Want You to Know
While it may be an uncomfortable topic to broach, all homeowners should be aware of and understand the risks of burglary in their neighborhood. To be sure, burglary is relatively common in the state of Texas, with over 30,000 reported burglaries taking place statewide in 2014. Sadly, many of these [...]