A-1 Locksmith
A-1 Locksmith
A-1 Locksmith

smart keys

7 Ways To Upgrade Your Home with Smart Home Security

Long gone are the days of home security options being limited to privacy knobs, deadbolts and latches. It is now paramount to consider hardware options that also involve software to maximize your home security. Cameras are an obvious choice but when looking to upgrade your home with smart home security, [...]

How Car Keys Have Changed Over the Years

A lot has changed the past seven decades. Gas prices have skyrocketed, music trends have come and gone and we’ve seen more technological advances than we can shake a stick at. Of many technological advancements that have changed in the security world, car keys have, perhaps, experienced the greatest technological [...]

August 25, 2020|Categories: Automotive Keys|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

A Look at High-Tech Keys That Prevent Auto Lockouts

Isn’t modern technology great? Imagine the reaction of people from generations ago if we told them that one day they’d be able to schedule a single-serve cup of coffee to greet them in the morning when they wake up. Or, that they’d be able to control the temperature of the [...]

May 21, 2020|Categories: High-Tech Keys|Tags: , |

Locked Out with a Keyless Entry? You’re Not Alone

Many of us have, at one point in time, found ourselves locked out of the car we plan on driving home. We fumble around in our pockets and search our bags, only to peer inside of the vehicle and notice that the keys are lying on the dashboard, almost taunting [...]