Many business owners in the Dallas-Fort Worth area take for granted the existence of the commercial exit devices on the property. To be sure, a commercial exit device is one whose intended use only becomes truly apparent during an emergency; as such, many business owners may simply put these out of mind, while still expecting them to work properly should an emergency occur.

Of course, Dallas business owners should never hope for a catastrophe; however, at A-1 Locksmith, we advise all of our clients to hope for the best, while still preparing for all situations that could arise. In light of this, we ask you to consider the real importance of a reliable commercial exit device, and what you should do routinely to ensure yours are in working order.

What is a Commercial Exit Device?

Nearly all Dallas residents have seen or utilized a commercial exit device at some point time. And while there are various types and models of commercial exit devices, two are commonly used more than the rest: touch bars and cross bars. Both touch bars and cross bars lie perpendicularly across commercial doors, generally slightly above waist height, and appear as a straight bar connected to the door’s lock.

The purpose of these devices is simple: to allow for easy departure in the event of an emergency, and to provide a quick exit for those within while keeping the door locked to those on the outside. Very often those involved in an emergency become confused and have difficulty taking specific actions, such as turning a doorknob or even unlocking a door. The commercial exit device allows those within the building to simply push on the bar in order to depart in a hurry.

The Importance of Maintaining Your Commercial Exit Devices

With a solid understanding of the purpose of commercial exit devices, the importance of consistent maintenance becomes apparent. Unless a business owner routinely inspects and maintains the commercial exit devices in his or her building, he or she is unable to know whether or not they will work correctly in an emergency. And while this may not matter on most days, this could lead to disaster should any serious issues arise.

Contact A-1 Locksmith for Help Keeping Your Business Safe

If you own a business in the area, don’t wait any longer to speak to a professional about inspecting and maintaining the commercial exit devices in your building. At A-1 Locksmith, we have significant experience with all varieties of commercial exit devices, and we will draw on our expertise and ability to assist you with all of your needs.

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